September 18, 2021: People around the world are rising up against police state tyranny and their bogus Davos branding "Build Back Better" by the millions! Mainstream media is suppressing the will of the people and these images of mass objection. Watch all of these brief videos. If these images are new to you, get use to the idea that all of this is on its way to your nation and your community.
The only way to remove the risk of this wave of globalist tyranny is to demand that your elected officials preserve and protect human and civil rights. Wherever possible, vote against political leaders behind the tyranny.
Canadians, take special note of what is on its way if you fail to reject Trudeau and his Davos "Build Back Better" agenda. Canadians have an immediate opportunity to prevent the next stage of bio-fascist tyranny by voting against Trudeau and his fake Liberal Party on September 20.
As seen in the video collection below, Covid and bio-fascist tyranny is sweeping the planet and the masses are raging against those responsible for it - politicians, public health authorities, mainstream media, big pharma, and big tech are central to this tyranny.
By: Extremely American Colin Wright