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True North Panel: Four experts discuss the Covid Mandates & Bio-Tyranny sweeping through Canada

Extremely American

October 18, 2021: True North is a reliable and indispensable source of information for Canadians and international citizens alike. The video included in this post offers four diverse expert perspectives on government overreach and public health tyranny that has taken Canada by storm. The information, offered, is specific to Canada and focused on the impact of excessive public health mandates on university students across Canada but is also relevant and transferrable to all other free world nations where "bio-tyranny" lurks behind every single action of corrupt "Davos-compelled" political leaders and their respective administrative arms.

The True North Panel: Dr. Julie Ponesse (Professor, Huron University College), Benjamin Gabbay (Graduate Student, University of Toronto), Allison Pejovic (Lawyer, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) and Dr. Steven Pelech (Professor, University of British Columbia) discuss the legal and ethical implications of vaccine mandates at Canadian post-secondary institutions, as well as how these mandates affect the on-campus experience for students and faculty.

Source & Attribution: This panel was held by Civitas Canada in partnership with True North.


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