Swedish physicians launch petition to suspend Pfizer jabs after trial fraud allegations surface
A group of 16 Swedish doctors and researchers have signed a petition to demand that Pfizer's vaccines be stopped in Sweden due to suspected fraud.
November 8, 2021: Earlier in November, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) revealed that a Pfizer subcontractor had been involved in research fraud during the pivotal Phase III study of the company’s jab in the autumn of 2020.
The 16 signatories said that they considered the reports of manipulated trials published by a peer-reviewed medical journal “extremely serious” and expressed concern over vaccine injuries. The BMJ happens to be one of the world’s oldest general medical journals.
“It undermines confidence in Pfizer, which is responsible for testing the vaccine and for the safety of the vaccine currently used by Swedes, including hundreds of thousands of children,” the petition stated.
“The strong suspicion that parts of the clinical trial of Pfizer’s vaccine were not performed in a scientifically acceptable manner, which is why the study results cannot be considered reliable, combined with the large extent of reported suspected adverse reactions after vaccination, including many of serious nature, makes us, doctors, researchers and immunologists deeply concerned, not least for children who are at extremely low risk of serious Covid-19 disease, but who are at risk of serious side effects,” the signatories said.
The signatories called the extent of suspected side effects of the jabs “gigantic”. In Sweden alone, some 83 744 suspected side effects have been reported in the ten months in which Swedes had been subjected to the global Covid-19 vaccine campaign. The authors stressed that this figure was more than ten times the number of all side effects ever reported for all drugs and vaccines per year in recent previous years, for a total of some 25 000 substances.
Therefore, vaccination in Sweden should be stopped right away until risk/benefit calculations were made available for all age groups. These currently do not exist.
The revelation is based on information from whistleblower Brook Jackson, who in September 2020 served as regional director in Texas for the research organisation Ventavia Research Group, tasked to oversee Pfizer’s vaccine trials.
BMJ: Pfizer’s data has been falsified
According to the whistleblower – a former regional director in Texas working for the subcontractor – the company had falsified data, used unblinded subjects for their testing, hired inadequately trained vaccinators and did not follow up on reported side effects in a timely manner.
Quality checks could not be performed, because staff had reportedly been overwhelmed by the sheer number of problems they had encountered. This raised questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight, the BMJ concluded.
After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of the shortcomings, Jackson filed a complaint with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 25, 2020. She was fired by Ventavia on the same day. Jackson has provided the BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings and emails. The BMJ substantiated her testimony with statements from other Ventavia employees.
Spike protein impairs DNA repair
The safety of Covid vaccines has meanwhile been called into question by a Swedish study undertaken at two major Swedish universities, which examined how the spike protein impacted the repair of damaged DNA in the nucleus.
The spike protein – injected through the mRNA vaccines – was shown to interfere with the body’s own DNA repair function: “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.”
The authors warned: “Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.”
Vaccines, boosters offer no protection only risk
Sebastian Rushworth, one of the initiators of Läkaruppropet, has published an article about a Swedish study that shows that the vaccine’s effectiveness drops sharply after two months and a third dose probably has no effect now that it is no longer the original virus that is spreading.
Similarly all three Covid-19 vaccines available to Americans offer no long-term protection according to research among a large group of veterans.
In 2009, 60 percent of the Swedish population was vaccinated against swine flu. Professor Hans Rosling called the disease a “media hype” and immunologist Ann-Cathrin Engwall warned that mass vaccination could do more harm than good. At least 350 Swedish children and young adults developed narcolepsy from the vaccine Pandemrix, which contained new and in this context untested ingredients.
A couple of years later, Sweden and Norway, which had mass vaccinated against swine flu, were hit much harder by influenza than other countries, which showed that the protective effect was temporary and that the swine flu virus had developed into a seasonal virus. The world is about to make the same mistake, the authors have argued.
A virus designed to kill the elderly?
Mortality in Covid-19 is in over 85 percent of cases linked to one or more diseases, and is distinctly age-related. And since it was created in a laboratory by gain-of-function research, it was perhaps designed to kill sickly old people. In the group 90 to 99 years, 1 in 30 has died in the population, in the group 70 to 79 years 1 in 420 and in the group 0 to 19 years 1 in 500,000.
The risk factors and the clear age gradient should also characterize the countermeasures, but vaccine fanatics are ignoring these facts. Mass vaccination of a young and healthy population is not medically justified but on the contrary associated with risks, such as deaths due to blood coagulation disorders.
According to Pfizer its product is “safe and effective”. In 2021, Pfizer will produce 3 billion doses, up from the 2,5 billion doses it had earlier projected, and at least 4 billion next year, also an increase from the 3 billion forecast.
Source: freewestmedia.com