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Premier Doug Ford: Announces his new plan to deliver even more despair & failure to Ontario

Extremely American

April 21, 2021: In an era where we have never seen a more ignorant and unqualified cast of compromised politicians and bureaucrats, Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford is emerging as one of the worst political leaders of a large regional jurisdiction in modern times. Ford is right up there with the likes of Francois Legault (Quebec) and Jason Kenney (Alberta) in Canada, and Andrew Cuomo (New York) and Gavin Newsom (California) in the US. While the obscenely unhealthy 300-pound Premier of Ontario spouts on about ‘good and proper health practices’, Ontarians and their economy are experiencing a socio-economic collapse under Ford’s cowardly, inane, and rudderless leadership. Like many other weak leaders in Canada and around the world, Ford has been hiding behind (and exploiting) Covid and excessive public health policies to take the path of least resistance through the Covid pandemic. Indeed, Ford has been guilty of repeatedly using Covid as his excuse for failing and getting nothing done in his province all while exploiting his authority to plunder Ontarians of their most basic civil rights.

Ontarians are discovering that Ford (like other ineffective and abusive political leaders) is growing addicted to his ‘appetite’ for power that has come from non-stop exploitation of the Covid crisis over the past year. In Doug Ford’s case, his ‘appetite’ is massive – literally and figuratively! As Ford continues to lay his iron grip on the freedom and God-given rights of his residents, his economy and the general well-being of his residents are caught in what appears to be an inescapable death spiral. Speak to any Ontarian these days and you will discover, first-hand, what he has done to the economy of Ontario and what he has done to the general psyche of his Ontario residents. If success were defined based on economic collapse and social despair, Ford would be at the top of that list. His permanently grim face along with his giant bug-eyed trance-like look no longer carries any authenticity with Ontarians who are sick and tired of Ford’s incessant failures as a Premier.

There are countless articles covering Ford’s impact on the Ontario economy. (BDC - 2021 Economic Outlook - Pierre Cleroux; April 2021) The province’s GDP levels, productivity levels, unemployment levels, rates of inflation, debt and deficit loads, and collapse of small business are in a free-fall trajectory with even worse days ahead (based on his “perma-freeze” policies in store for Ontarians and their economy). It is not a stretch to feel that the path being laid by Ford (along with the woke moron running the country in Ottawa) is intentionally driving the economy off a cliff all in the name the Covid pseudo-science wrapped around a flickering and inconsistent public health challenge.

Christo Aivalis offered hard hitting comments regarding Doug Ford in his article titled “Doug Ford is killing Ontarians and violating their civil rights”. Aivalis focused on (1) Ford’s comprehensively inept response to the pandemic (putting the Ontario economy and Ontario’s most vulnerable population at grave risk) and (2) Ford’s clear ambition to put politics and a clandestine larger agenda above the lives of Ontarians. According to Aivalis:

"Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced new restrictions in Ontario’s fight against COVID-19. But let’s not mince words: the premier’s approach will do nothing to actually stem the tide of the pandemic, but it will put the blame on working class people, steal their public spaces, allow profiteers to enrich themselves off employee suffering, and give the police dangerous powers which will almost certainly be levied against the most vulnerable Ontarians.

In short, Ford’s plan wants Ontarians to think that this recent COVID spike is not driven by his monumental failure to protect workers across various industries, but rather by the personal moral weakness of the public. As such, most of the restrictions are aimed at individuals and their personal lives, and not at the industrial sectors [and multinational corporations] that are primarily responsible for driving infections." (Canadian Dimension - Christo Aivalis; April 17, 2021)

In the end, common people and small businesses in Ontario are bearing the full economic and social burden of Ford’s useless and ineffective economic and public health policies. His draconian policies have only served to tank the Ontario economy and drive provincial morale into a dark abyss. The horrifying (and insulting) reality is that Ford and his team have the arrogance to force even more of the same garbage down the throats of Ontarians knowing full well that the same disastrous results will follow in the coming months (years?) – unfortunately with the damage inflicted on our most vulnerable residents and small businesses. It is time for Ford to be removed from office, one way or another. By: Extremely American Colin Wright


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