Video Link: Pfizer's track record of criminal conduct and billions in fines for criminal bio-racketeering
A library of incriminating evidence against rogue pharmaceutical Pfizer:
The CEO of Pfizer (Albert Bourla) and his organization are at the core of the "big pharma crime cartel". The brief opening video (above) effectively highlights a handful of legal cases and court rulings involving the willful and harmful business practices of Pfizer (representing billions in fines applied against this rogue company over the years).
Current CEO Albert Bourla is continuing the criminal legacy of Pfizer using similar racketeering, market manipulation, and extortion techniques to push dangerous experimental Covid vaccines. It is important to hold Bourla and his rogue corporation to full account for the lives lost due to the bio-corruption and bio-tyranny perpetrated by Pfizer and it's co-conspirators in the "Covid Public Health Industrial Complex".
The articles/videos provided below are a small sample of the crime and corruption that surrounds Bourla and Pfizer.
By: Extremely American Colin Wright
Related Link: Swedish physicians launch petition to suspend Pfizer jabs after trial fraud allegations emerge
Related Link: Pfizer "Opportunism" spans the globe targeting the poorest nations & the most vulnerable people
Related Link: Media fails to disclose Dr. Kellner's $2M in Pfizer Funding & Kickbacks promoting child vaccination
Related Link: Israeli Data: Massive decline in the effectiveness of the Pfizer Biontech Vaccine over time
Related Link: Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon has a stark warning: "A final warning to humanity"