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EA Exclusive: "I will not stay silent" by Beth Morris

Extremely American

October 11, 2021: Extremely American Contributor & Patriot Beth Morris put pen to paper and produced her thoughts in a poem that every freedom loving American and international citizen can relate to. Enjoy this poem and take these inspiring words to heart as our community continues to unite and fight the forces of tyranny that are attempting to strip away our God given rights and freedoms.

I will not stay silent

I will not be silent

Or go off gently into the night

This is a table turning season

And good people must stand and fight.

I will not be silent

No matter how uncomfortable it gets

Freedom isn’t negotiable

In Jesus name, I rebuke the evil threats.

I will not be silent

My choice is none of your concern

“Get your jab” the gladiator mob chants

Delusion rendering them unable to discern.

I will not be silent

Or be muzzled by a mask

I will breathe fresh air unhindered

Do you think I have to ask?

I will not be silent

about what you teach my kids

And if you try and hurt them

You’ll regret you ever did.

I will not be silent

Or allow deception in the name of tolerance

Because red is red and blue is blue

On truth I base my stance.

I will not be silent

Or afraid to rattle the cage

Business platforms are no exception

Let the Fascists see our outrage.

I will not be silent

Or repeat the mistakes of history

Instead, I will use my voice

to hasten humanity’s victory.

By: Extremely American Contributor & Patriot Beth Morris

1 Comment

Unknown member
Oct 11, 2021

In the next year that the United States people will have to have a strong position against the democrats!

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