April 11, 2021: In what has become an all too familiar pattern, yet another incident involving a failure of ‘the Covid vaccine human experiment’ has backfired. Of course, many independent medical and health care experts have warned (and predicted) these sorts of scenarios given the experimental status of Covid vaccines that have been rushed to market. The short term to long term side-effects of the Covid vaccine remain unknown. However, it is becoming abundantly clear that alarming rates of near-term side effects range (from mild/serious health related issues to death) are being observed around the world. Unfortunately, our politicians, public health care officials, and their mainstream media agents continue to hide and downplay the troubling post-vaccination ‘events’ occurring around the world. The question in most people’s minds should be “If there is mounting evidence of near-term post-vaccination consequences, what are the possible long-term health consequences associated with taking one of the experimental Covid vaccines?”. In other words, as the near-term cases of vaccination failure mount, one can only question what the long-term health consequences might be after having taken any of these Covid vaccines.
According to Epoch Times, a fourth US vaccination site has ‘paused’ its vaccination efforts due to a ‘batch’ of adverse reactions. According to the Georgia Department of Health, injections at the Cumming Fairgrounds in Forsyth County (Georgia) have been halted after eight people experienced adverse post-vaccination reactions. (Epoch Times – Zachary Stieber; April 10, 2021) The records indicate that eight people suffered serious side-effects after having received the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine (a total of 425 people were vaccinated that day). All eight patients were monitored and eventually sent home while one required further evaluation and treatment at the hospital.
Georgia State Health Commissioner, Kathleen Toomey, released this official statement, “The reactions were consistent with common reactions in adults being vaccinated with any vaccine, but due to the number of individuals affected, the site stopped the J&J vaccinations to evaluate. There is no reason to believe there is anything wrong with the vaccine itself, and other individuals who have received the J&J vaccine should not be concerned. We are looking into what happened and what may have caused the reactions.” (Georgia State Health Commissioner – Kathleen Toomey; April 9, 2021)
These are hardly the words that raise comfort levels regarding the near-term efficacy of these Covid vaccines – and certainly raise questions about what health consequences to expect from these vaccines in the longer term. Furthermore, this most recent Georgia incident along with thousands of other documented cases of adverse affects (many including post-vaccine deaths), do not support the idea of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. In either case, moral suasion and coercion are being applied on hundreds of millions of people who have serious doubts and concerns regarding the Covid vaccine – especially a vaccine draped in the hyperbolic rhetoric and force of pathologically dishonest and disreputable politicians, public health agencies, and mainstream media.
Earlier this week, Epoch Times reported that mass vaccination sites in Colorado, Iowa, and North Carolina also had to be shut down due to “a spate of post-vaccination adverse reactions”. (Epoch Times – Zachary Stieber; April 10, 2021) Following these incidents, department phone lines were kicking straight into recorded messages while department officials were largely ‘unavailable’ for comment. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), officials released this statement, “The CDC is aware of several incidents of vaccine recipients experiencing dizziness, light headedness, feeling faint, rapid breathing, and sweating (vasovagal or anxiety-related) symptoms following Covid-19 vaccines in Iowa, Colorado, Georgia, and North Carolina. CDC is working closely with each of the state and local health departments to evaluate these incidents. CDC has performed vaccine lot analyses and has not found any reason for concern. Currently the CDC and FDA are not recommending health departments stop administering any lots of COVID-19 vaccine.” As in the case of other state health authorities, CDC’s use of padded words like “should”, “currently”, “looking into”, and “aware” are hardly confidence inspiring language and certainly do not warrant Covid vaccine and passport mandates being forced on people around the world.
As the experimental Covid vaccines continue to roll-out, US CDC health officials have decided to launch a study to investigate allergic reactions to Covid vaccines. For some reason, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will not be included in the trial study. The need for these studies is increasing as adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis and other severe reactions (a subset of these incidents resulting in death), have been occurring at disconcerting rates around the world. According to the CDC and FDA, the current severe allergic reaction rate post-vaccination is approximately two to five cases per million. (Bloomberg - John Lauerman & Jason Gale; April 9, 2021)
Another serious post-vaccination pattern has involved the emergence of blood clots. According to Epoch Times, Europe’s top medical regulator confirmed that European regulators are probing the reports of post-vaccination blood clots among groups that received Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine. Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson has been downplaying the post-vaccination condition of thrombocytopenia (severe blood clotting) suggesting they “are not aware of a causal relationship”. (Epoch Times – Zachary Stieber; April 10, 2021)
As you consider the short- and long-term efficacy of the covid vaccines, consider the most recent official statement from the FDA: “Both conditions [severe anaphylaxis and thrombocytopenia] can have many different outcomes. At this time, we have not found a causal relationship with vaccination and we are continuing our investigation and assessment of these cases. Our analysis of the data will inform the potential need for regulatory action. During the post-authorization period, there is continuous safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccines by FDA and CDC. The goal of continuous monitoring is to quickly identify any specific safety concerns that may arise, and we will keep the public updated as we learn more.” When reading this statement, ask yourself if the Covid vaccines being rolled-out sound like an experiment or an unconditionally safe health option. Also ask yourself if, at this point, any politician or health agency should be allowed to force anyone into taking a Covid vaccine given all the unanswered questions about its short- and long-term safety. These concerns are underscored when considering Johnson & Johnson’s open disclaimer stating that anyone (vaccinated) experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling in the leg, persistent abdominal pain, neurological symptoms, tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the site of injection, any degree of anaphylaxis, and excessive or easy bruising should seek immediate medical care.
To illustrate the scale and scope of negative post-vaccination side-effects, EA has provided a list of fifteen related references (below) worth reading and sharing. At a minimum, refer to your family doctor and do your own thorough research (using primary and independent sources) prior to making any decision regarding the Covid vaccine. Red flags of caution are flying high in the US and around the world – resist the intimidation and coercive tactics of politicians/bureaucrats and their media agents - follow your own sound judgment and common sense when making such an important personal health decision. By: Extremely American Colin Wright
Sample of 15 articles relating to short-term Covid vaccine ‘risks & complications’
1. ‘More Side Effects With Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: CDC Study’; Epoch Times – Meiling Lee; April 10, 2021
2. ‘Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine under review by European Medicines Agency over blood clots’; ABC.net.au – Reuters Announcements; April 10, 2021
3. ‘What to Know About Blood Clots, Anaphylaxis and Other Vaccine Fears’; Bloomberg - John Lauerman & Jason Gale; April 9, 2021
4. ‘Australia to consider EU and UK findings over AstraZeneca Covid vaccine and blood clots’; The Guardian (US) - Daniel Hurst; April 8, 2021
5. ‘COVID vaccination site closes early after adverse reactions to Johnson & Johnson shot’; New York Post -Kenneth Garger; April 7, 2021
6. ‘Europeans get cold feet over covid-19 vaccines as third wave hits’; New Scientist – Layal Liverpool; March 23, 2021
7. ‘European trust in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine plummets after blood clot reports’; Reuters - Kate Kelland; March 21, 2021
8. ‘EU VACC to Drawing Board - Europeans turn on EU leaders over bungled Covid vaccine rollout’; The UK Sun - Ellie Cambridge & Nick Gutteridge; March 4, 2021
9. ‘1/3 of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hours’; Zero Hedge – E.G. Sabastian; February 21, 2021
10. ‘How Safe Is the COVID-19 Vaccine?’; Healthline - Meredith Goodwin, MD & Jill Seladi-Schulman, PhD; February 9, 2021
11. ‘Norway Warns of Vaccination Risks for Sick Patients Over 80’; Bloomberg - Lars Erik Taraldsen and Naomi Kresge; January 15, 2021
12. ‘Thousands of Americans “Negatively Affected” Following COVID-19 Vaccination’; Zero Hedge – Dr Stuart Bramhall; December 21, 2020
13. ‘Doctors say CDC should warn people the side effects from Covid vaccine shots won’t be a walk in the park’; CNBC – Berkeley Lovelace; November 25, 2020
14. ‘Coronavirus vaccine: Three major side-effects discovered in COVID-19 vaccine trials’; Times of India – Shraddha Kapoor; October 15, 2020
15. ‘The Risks of Rushing a COVID-19 Vaccine: Telescoping testing time-lines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers’; Scientific American - William A. Haseltine; June 22, 2020