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Adam Andrzejewski: NIH is Slow-Walking FOIA Requests for Fauci’s Finances (Epoch & Warroom videos)

Extremely American

Adam Andrzejewski: NIH Slow-Walking FOIA Requests for Fauci’s Finances, Potential Conflicts of Interest Among Scientists

April 3, 2022: “Fauci is the director of a sub-agency of a sub-agency of Health and Human Services. So how can he out-earn everybody else at the federal level, including the president, including four-star generals in the United States military with millions of men and women underneath their command?”

Jan Jekielek (EpochTV) sat down with Adam Andrzejewski, the CEO and founder of the government watchdog organization, which tracks and publicizes government spending. In the last year alone, they filed over 47,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

On behalf of, Judicial Watch sued the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for documents on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s financials. They are also investigating conflicts of interest at the NIH and have filed a lawsuit demanding information on the roughly 1,000 NIH scientists, currently employed or retired, who receive royalties from third parties, such as pharmaceutical companies, for co-inventions.

But the NIH is slow-walking their requests, and only releasing documents covered in redactions of useful information, he argues. The NIH is releasing 300 pages a month over the course of 10 months (3000 pages total).

Andrzejewski breaks down what he and his team have found so far, and what else needs to be uncovered.

Source: EpochTV


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