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Extremely American
Nov 16, 20212 min read
Anthony Fauci admits Vaccines do not work as advertised & that Vaccinated are in great danger today
Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today By: Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit It...

Extremely American
Nov 13, 20212 min read
mRNA Inventor Dr. Malone: Insights into Bio-Medical War Games, UN Event 201 & Mounting Concerns
Video Link: mRNA Inventor Dr. Robert Malone comments on Medical War Games, UN Event 201, & Vaccine Health Risks to Children Rumble...

Extremely American
Nov 9, 20212 min read
Senior NIH Doctor Matthew Memoli Pushes Back on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Senior NIH Doctor Pushes Back on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates November 9, 2021: A top infectious disease doctor has raised alarm about...

Extremely American
Nov 7, 20211 min read
Sen. Tuberville Grills Fauci over Current 'Research' in China: 'Are you communicating with them?'
November 7, 2021: In spite of Sen. Tommy Tuberville's weak/gentle line of questioning during the recent Senate Health Committee Hearing...

Extremely American
Nov 5, 20211 min read
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) owns & exposes Anthony Fauci at the Senate Health Committee Hearing - again
November 5, 2021: In the latest exchange between Senator Rand Paul and the NIH fraud and bio-criminal Anthony Fauci. During the exchange,...

Extremely American
Oct 30, 20211 min read
Senator Rand Paul: 'The Evidence is mounting there's been a Covid Cover-Up & Fauci is behind it'
During a recent town hall meeting, Senator Rand Paul (October 27) responded to a question relating to the Origins of Covid and Anthony...

Extremely American
Oct 26, 20211 min read
NIH admits Anthony Fauci funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan & lied under oath repeatedly
Sunday Morning Futures Video: Devin Nunes & Ric Grenell comment on Anthony Fauci's treason & the contamination of the DOJ, US AG, US...

Extremely American
Oct 25, 20213 min read
Governor Ron DeSantis calls out Anthony Fauci & his Despicable Covid Crime Cartel
Video Link: Governor DeSantis Press Briefing (October 25) - Comments on Fauci & NIH Gain of Function Research DeSantis Blasts Fauci Over...

Extremely American
Oct 25, 20211 min read
Pfizer Vaccine Blackmail: Pfizer is a Global Rogue & Kingpin of the Covid Industrial Cartel (video)
Video Link: Pfizer Vaccine Blackmail - Pfizer is a Global Rogue & the Kingpin of the Covid Industrial Cartel October 25, 2021: Pfizer...

Extremely American
Oct 24, 20212 min read
Bipartisan legislators demand answers from ANTHONY FAUCI on 'cruel' NIH puppy experiments
Video Link: NIH & Anthony Fauci's Gain-of-Function Cruelty to Animals Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on 'cruel' puppy...

Extremely American
Oct 23, 20211 min read
Open VAERS as of October 15: Does this look like a "picture" of vaccine efficacy & safety?
October 23, 2021: The Open Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (Open VAERS) is the US official voluntary reporting system (launched in...

Extremely American
Oct 22, 20211 min read
Rand Paul does victory lap after NIH officially acknowledges Anthony Fauci lied under oath
“TOLD YOU SO”; Rand Paul Does Victory Lap After NIH Proves Fauci Was Lying By: Clayton Keirns of Trending Politics Senator Rand Paul has...

Extremely American
Oct 15, 20211 min read
Dr. Bryan Ardis discusses how hospital Covid protocols are producing dangerous patient outcomes
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson with Dr. Bryan Ardis (Video Link): Is Hospital Protocol Killing Covid Patients? October 15, 2021: Laura Lynn...

Extremely American
Sep 28, 20211 min read
Sidney Powell has uncovered the connection between the DoD, Dominion, CCP & NIH (audio)
Audio Link: The connection between DoD, Dominion, CCP and the NIH September 28, 2021: Sidney Powell has been working quietly but...

Extremely American
Sep 22, 20215 min read
The Patent Owners of Recombinant Coronavirus: Ralph Baric, Boyd Yount & Kristopher Curtis
[The money and power behind the Coronavirus Patent shown above] September 22, 2021: It does not take a doctor to understand that...

Extremely American
Sep 10, 20211 min read
Climate Change Mythology: The ultimate distraction away from Fauci & his Crimes Against Humanity
Spetember 10, 2021: Anthony Fauci and his work at NIH | NIAID in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party's Wuhan Institute of...

Extremely American
Aug 17, 20212 min read
Postmortem on the Rand Paul vs Anthony Fauci Debate: A story that cannot be allowed to fade
August 17, 2021: John Stossel recently published a postmortem on the now famous exchange between Senator Rand Paul and the "flailing and...

Extremely American
Aug 12, 20211 min read
Dr. Peter McCullough: "Five facts about Covid they don't want you to hear or know"
August 12, 2021: This brief video stands on its own. Dr. Peter McCullough crystalizes 5 critical facts that every person needs to know -...

Extremely American
Aug 10, 20211 min read
Senator Rand Paul: An Exchange with Anthony Fauci worth revisiting
August 10, 2021: The exchange between Senator Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci is worth revisiting. Weeks after this classic exchange, Fauci...

Extremely American
Aug 10, 20212 min read
Dr. Dan Stock: "Covid vaccine advice coming from the CDC & NIH is counter-factual" (video)
August 10, 2021: Indiana based Dr. Dan Stock undressed the CDC, NIH, and Indiana State Board of Health in this brief but powerful address...
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