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Extremely American - Worldwide

Extremely American
Jun 25, 20211 min read
School Boards Beware - Parents are on to the racist & radical CRT curriculum of public school boards
June 25, 2021: Dan Bongino captures what is now becoming a surging pattern across the United States, community by community. The pandemic...

Extremely American
Jun 21, 20211 min read
9-year-old school girl takes on Minnesota District School Board & their CRT-BLM Indoctrination
June 21, 2021: This courageous 9-year-old student undressed and exposed a Minnesota District School board on the topic of Critical Race...

Extremely American
Jun 3, 20212 min read
Jackie Homan shines light on the radical & racist K-12 curriculum offered at Greenwich, CT Schools
June 4, 2021: Greenwich Resident & Student Advocate, Jackie Homan shines light on the racist K-12 curriculum offered at public schools in...

Extremely American
May 28, 20214 min read
A rare lens & perspective into ‘Woke Progressivism’ between countries (Inspired by Gourav Jaswal)
May 29, 2021: In these challenging times, it is rare to find objective and authentic journalism, especially when it touches on the...

Extremely American
May 18, 20214 min read
Patriotic American heroes like Lt. Col. Lohmeier deserve far better treatment
May 18, 2021: The toxic ‘fog’ of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and rabid forms of American socialism continues to take victims. This time,...

Extremely American
May 11, 20212 min read
Defending Education – protecting your children from ideologically rabid teachers
May 11, 2021: Most parents have been confronted and challenged by an education system (school boards, schools, and teachers) stacked...

Extremely American
Apr 24, 20213 min read
American's are waking up to the FAKE race crisis and its about time (Must-Watch Video)
April 24, 2021: Millions of Americans have been listening to wealthy WHITE politicians, journalists, "reporters" and social media...
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