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Extremely American - Worldwide

Extremely American
Jun 12, 20211 min read
Dr. Nicole Saphier discusses Gain-of-Function with American Thought Leaders
June 12, 2021: Dr. Nicole Saphier (world renowned Radiologist and author of"Panic Attack") offers excellent current observations and...

Extremely American
Jun 10, 20212 min read
Covid-19: Essential Library of Leading Covid Medical Experts & Video Links
June 11, 2021: EA is pleased to provide our community with an exhaustive list of the world's pre-eminent experts on Covid and seminal...

Extremely American
Jun 9, 20211 min read
'Faucinocchio' - There is no nose long enough to account for the lies of this pathological liar
Special Alert to our Canadian friends: Please note that Fauci has been proven to be a pathological liar. A recent Freedom of Information...

Extremely American
Jun 9, 20211 min read
Sky News Australia: Fauci "found out on a million fronts"
June 9, 2021: The world is finally waking up to Anthony Fauci's role in funding and creating the Covid virus through the fiendish...

Extremely American
Jun 4, 20211 min read
Anthony Fauci: Tucker Carlson's 11-minute monologue on Fauci & his crimes against humanity
June 4, 2021: In yet another classic Tucker Carlson monologue, Anthony Fauci is absolutely exposed as an "enemy of humanity" in every...

Extremely American
Jun 2, 20211 min read
Raheem Kassam of the National Pulse blows the lid open on Fauci's damning emails
The flood gates (no pun intended) are wide open on Anthony Fauci. The recent release (leak) of Fauci's emails illustrate a persistent...

Extremely American
Jun 1, 20212 min read
Dr. Peter McCullough - Covid & the Covid Vaccine Exposed (long-form video interview)
June 1, 2021: Do you have concerns about the Covid vaccine? Are you concerned about the lack of testing and proof of Covid vaccine...

Extremely American
May 20, 202119 min read
Archbishop Viganò: The Great Reset and its connection to ‘those’ behind Covid
May 20, 2021: In an era of dark forces at play around the world, it is always encouraging when we see truly courageous leaders...

Extremely American
May 15, 20213 min read
Biden’s First 100 Days: The path to an American Socialist Economy
May 16, 2021: Going into Joe Biden's fake presidency, any American with half a brain (unlike Biden himself) understood his party's plan...

Extremely American
May 12, 20212 min read
Trudeau’s Liberal Choke Hold Tightens as Canada Enters the Jaws of Communism
May 12, 2021: If closing schools, demolishing small businesses and locking unsuspecting Canadians in their homes for over a year now has...

Extremely American
May 12, 20211 min read
Gain-of-Function Crimes Against Humanity do not Pay: Senator Paul Exposes Anthony Fauci
May 12, 2021: It is a rare occasion to see Anthony Fauci squirm. During Tuesday's Senate hearing, Republican Senator Rand Paul pinned the...

Extremely American
May 8, 20214 min read
Dr. Fauci: Funder and Founder of the Covid-19 Crime Against Humanity
May 8, 2021: As the heat on Anthony Fauci intensifies (fraud, health policy malpractice, conflicts of interest, CCP connections), the...

Extremely American
May 6, 202110 min read
The Raid on Giuliani: Death of Law, Order & Justice in an all too familiar pattern of tyrants
May 6, 2021: Over recent years, we have seen the systematic display of corruption and abuse of power from the US Department of Justice...

Extremely American
Apr 25, 20211 min read
Polish Pastor Artur Pawlowski Stands Up to Pathetic Canadian Police Force
Click here to see what's happening in Canada. Pastor Pawlowski has been warning us for years that the totalitarian Canadian government...

Extremely American
Apr 24, 20213 min read
American's are waking up to the FAKE race crisis and its about time (Must-Watch Video)
April 24, 2021: Millions of Americans have been listening to wealthy WHITE politicians, journalists, "reporters" and social media...

Extremely American
Apr 18, 20214 min read
Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau is a failure and the international community knows it
April 18, 2021: Many articles have been written (in Canada and abroad) that highlight the feckless, ignorant, and smug leadership of...

Extremely American
Feb 26, 20215 min read
CCP’s Accomplices to Genocide: Multinationals, Athletes & Hollywood play a key role in the Genocide
Feb 26, 2021: Ask yourself this question: are you ‘ok’ with our professional athletes, entertainers, and our multinational corporations...

Extremely American
Feb 22, 20215 min read
Saul Alinsky & his Rules for Radicals: the source of everything evil in politics and society today
Most of the evil we see in the world today is linked to, structured around, and compelled by the writings of Saul Alinsky. In 1971, Alinsky

Extremely American
Feb 15, 20216 min read
China Mitch McConnell and Corrupt Elaine Chao - A Marriage "Made in China"
After watching Donald J. Trump’s acquittal from the second impeachment trial, Mitch McConnell made a post acquittal statement that blamed...

Extremely American
Feb 9, 20213 min read
Warning Signals from Canada’s Brand of Emerging Socialist Authoritarianism
Feb 4, 2021: You won’t see it on the morning talk show or in the evening news. Video footage of police officers patrolling church parking...
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