Fed Chair Jay Powell on DNC Inflation: "It will take THREE years to bring inflation under control"
Extremely American - Worldwide
Highlighting a year of failure using a sample of gaffes from the Fraud in the White House
Biden & his illegitimate administration delivered Inflation to America & it was intentional
Jim Jordan (R-OH): "The Democrats want $7/gallon gas, energy dependency, & economy-wide inflation"
It has never been clearer that Biden is unhinged & cracking under the pressure of Constant Failure
Biden's 1st Annual News Conference: "Proof of the world's most ignorant & delusional political hack"
Biden's Idea of "Build Back Better"
Forbes: "Inflation & Lame Biden Policies are likely to cause a Stock Market Crash In 2022" (video)
#Fedsurrection - Biden, the DC Swamp, and media are FOS & every image from that day proves it
Biden's 'Crisis of Intentional Crises' - this is the impact of 12 months of Biden & the DNC
National Polls show Biden & the DNC Party going down the toilet after 11 months of failed policies
Joe Biden trolls himself with his lame Christmas Eve message to America - “Let’s Go Brandon”
Jesse Watters: Biden is Dumb & Getting Dumber, and his decline is indisputable
Laura Ingraham: America's biggest threat is Biden & his own 'Team of Incompetents'
ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "Brand new poll is brutal for Joe Biden" #LetsGoBrandon
Economists behold: Joe Biden & Karine Jean-Pierre explain "inflation" in ways only they understand
"Brandon" claimed that “We’re going to win in Virginia”… The Moron was Wrong Again!